Why I Cry
The ongoing injustice and aggression globally, is depicted in this poem. The poet makes an impassioned plea for help.
• I cry because of what is happening to me and my nation, while those I consider as my brothers and …
The ongoing injustice and aggression globally, is depicted in this poem. The poet makes an impassioned plea for help.
• I cry because of what is happening to me and my nation, while those I consider as my brothers and …
(Tribute to a refugee)
• Eyes peer through windows
• Into the dark dark night,
• My mother hugs us tightly
• Keeping us out of sight.
• My father whispers to her
• With us huddled on the …
• Mother Africa, today is a day for you to celebrate your success and wisdom
• You have gone through many ups and downs for you to be where you are today!
• Colonial masters came and plundered most of …